PII Selectors

Selectors allow you to restrict rules to certain parts of the event. This is useful to unconditionally remove certain data by variable/field name from the event, but can also be used to conservatively test rules on real data.

Data scrubbing always works on the raw event payload. Keep in mind that some fields in the UI may be called differently in the JSON schema. When looking at an event there should always be a link called "JSON" present that allows you to see what the data scrubber sees.

For example, what is called "Additional Data" in the UI is called extra in the event payload. To remove a specific key called foo, you would write:

[Remove] [Anything] from [extra.foo]

Another example. Sentry knows about two kinds of error messages: The exception message, and the top-level log message. Here is an example of how such an event payload as sent by the SDK (and downloadable from the UI) would look like:

  "logentry": {
    "formatted": "Failed to roll out the dinglebop"
  "exceptions": {
    "values": [
        "type": "ZeroDivisionError",
        "value": "integer division or modulo by zero"

Since the "error message" is taken from the exception's value, and the "message" is taken from logentry, we would have to write the following to remove both from the event:

[Remove] [Anything] from [exception.value]
[Remove] [Anything] from [logentry.formatted]

You can combine selectors using boolean logic.

  • Prefix with ! to invert the selector. foo matches the JSON key foo, while !foo matches everything but foo.
  • Build the conjunction (AND) using &&, such as: foo && !extra.foo to match the key foo except when inside of extra.
  • Build the disjunction (OR) using ||, such as: foo || bar to match foo or bar.

  • ** matches all subpaths, so that foo.** matches all JSON keys within foo.
  • * matches a single path item, so that foo.* matches all JSON keys one level below foo.

Select subsections by JSON-type using the following:

  • $string matches any string value
  • $number matches any integer or float value
  • $datetime matches any field in the event that represents a timestamp
  • $array matches any JSON array value
  • $object matches any JSON object

Select known parts of the schema using the following:

  • $exception matches a single exception instance in {"exception": {"values": [...]}}
  • $stacktrace matches a stack trace instance
  • $frame matches a frame
  • $request matches the HTTP request context of an event
  • $user matches the user context of an event
  • $logentry (also applies to the message attribute)
  • $thread matches a single thread instance in {"threads": {"values": [...]}}
  • $breadcrumb matches a single breadcrumb in {"breadcrumbs": [...]}
  • $span matches a trace span
  • $sdk matches the SDK context in {"sdk": ...}

  • Delete event.user:

    [Remove] [Anything] from [$user]
  • Delete all frame-local variables:

    [Remove] [Anything] from [$frame.vars]

If the object key you want to match contains whitespace or special characters, you can use quotes to escape it:

[Remove] [Anything] from [extra.'my special value']

This matches the key my special value in Additional Data.

To escape ' (single quote) within the quotes, replace it with '' (two quotes):

[Remove] [Anything] from [extra.'my special '' value']

This matches the key my special ' value in Additional Data.

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