Service Manager (devservices)

A standalone CLI tool called devservices is used to bring up and manage service dependencies. The tool reads from a config.yml file within a repository's devservices directory. It is an abstraction built on top of Docker Compose and Docker.

usage: devservices [-h] [--version] COMMAND ...

CLI tool for managing service dependencies.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

  up                  Bring up a service and its dependencies
  down                Bring down a service and its dependencies
  list-dependencies   List the dependencies of a service
  list-services (ls)  List the services installed locally
  status              View status of a service
  logs                View logs for a service
  update              Update devservices to the latest version
  purge               Purge the local devservices cache

Installation instructions can be found here.

devservices logs

# redis
docker exec -it redis-redis-1 redis-cli

# clickhouse
docker exec -it snuba-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client

# psql
docker exec -it sentry-postgres-1 psql -U postgres

Should you really bamboozle your containers or volumes, you can use devservices purge to start over.

# Remove all data (containers, volumes, and networks) associated with ALL services
devservices purge

As an example, let's say we've managed to corrupt our postgres database while working on a migration, and you want to reset your postgres data you can do:

# Remove all data (containers, volumes, and networks) associated with a single service
docker container rm sentry-postgres-1
docker volume rm sentry_postgres-data

Common modes:

  • symbolicator: Bring up sentry dependencies and symbolicator
  • chartcuterie: Bring up sentry dependencies and chartcuterie
  • minimal: Bring up minimal services for local development
  • profiling: Bring up sentry dependencies and vroom
  • full: Bring up all services (symbolicator, taskbroker, snuba, vroom, etc)
devservices up --mode symbolicator

Volume names are different for each service.


  • old: sentry_clickhouse
  • new: snuba_clickhouse-data


  • old: sentry_postgres
  • new: sentry_postgres-data


  • old: sentry_kafka
  • new: kafka_kafka-data


  • old: sentry_redis
  • new: redis_redis-data
# Create a new postgres volume
docker volume create sentry_postgres-data

# Copy over the data from the old volume
docker run --rm \
  -v sentry_postgres:/old_volume \
  -v sentry_postgres-data:/new_volume \
  ubuntu \
  bash -c "cd /old_volume && cp -a . /new_volume"

# Validate that data has been copied over
docker run --rm -v sentry_postgres-data:/data ubuntu ls -l /data
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